NodeJs, Postgres, ExpressJs, ReactJs – Fullstack training plan

Here’s a 12-week curriculum designed for a fresher programmer. This is a full-stack JavaScript training plan and it involves Node.js, Express.js, React.js, and PostgreSQL. We’ll focus on a week-by-week plan.

Week 1 & 2: JavaScript Basics

  • Day 1: Introduction to JavaScript: Syntax, variables, data types
  • Day 2: Control structures: if-else, switch, loops
  • Day 3: Functions: definition, parameters, return values, scope
  • Day 4: Objects: creating objects, properties, methods
  • Day 5: Arrays: creating arrays, array methods
  • Day 6: Practice: Solving simple problems using JavaScript
  • Day 7: Review and Q/A session

Week 3 & 4: Node.js and Express.js

  • Day 1: Introduction to Node.js: Setup, creating a server, NPM
  • Day 2: Basics of Express.js: Setup, Routing, Middleware
  • Day 3: Deep Dive into Express.js: Handling requests and responses
  • Day 4: Building a REST API with Node.js & Express.js
  • Day 5: Error Handling in Node.js and Express.js
  • Day 6: Practice: Building a simple application with Node.js and Express.js
  • Day 7: Review and Q/A session

Week 5 & 6: PostgreSQL

  • Day 1: Introduction to PostgreSQL: Setup, creating databases, tables
  • Day 2: SQL Queries: Insert, Select, Update, Delete
  • Day 3: Advanced SQL: Joins, Aggregations, Sub-queries
  • Day 4: Introduction to Sequelize: Setup, Model creation, CRUD operations
  • Day 5: Relationships in Sequelize: One-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many
  • Day 6: Practice: Designing and implementing a database for an application
  • Day 7: Review and Q/A session

Week 7 & 8: React.js Basics

  • Day 1: Introduction to React.js: Setup, JSX, Components
  • Day 2: State and Props in React.js
  • Day 3: Lifecycle Methods, Hooks in React.js
  • Day 4: Event Handling in React.js
  • Day 5: Routing in React.js with React Router
  • Day 6: Practice: Building a simple React.js application
  • Day 7: Review and Q/A session

Week 9 & 10: Advanced React.js

  • Day 1: Deep dive into Hooks (useState, useEffect)
  • Day 2: Context API and useReducer for state management
  • Day 3: Introduction to Redux (optional, based on learner’s pace)
  • Day 4: Connecting React.js with APIs
  • Day 5: Styling in React.js, CSS in JS, styled-components
  • Day 6: Practice: Extending the application built in Week 7 & 8
  • Day 7: Review and Q/A session

Week 11: Full Stack Application Development

  • Day 1: Planning the full-stack application
  • Day 2-5: Building the full-stack application
  • Day 6: Testing and Debugging
  • Day 7: Review, Q/A, and Next Steps

Week 12: Deployment and Beyond

  • Day 1: Introduction to unit testing with Jest (React, Node)
  • Day 2: Introduction to deployment (Heroku, Vercel, Netlify)
  • Day 3: Deploying the full-stack application
  • Day 4: Introduction to DevOps concepts (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment)
  • Day 5: Introduction to Docker (optional, based on learner’s pace)
  • Day 6 & 7: Review, Wrap up, Discuss potential next steps and advanced topics

By following this lesson plan, the learner will get a strong foundation in full-stack JavaScript development with Node.js, Express.js, React.js, and PostgreSQL. Also, remember to include practical tasks and projects for each part. It’s important to practice and build actual applications to understand these concepts fully.