This plugin will count hits/views to each and every post/page you have on your wordpress blog and it will also show you the counts in admin post/page listing and in front-end (optional-see configuration/settings page).

WordPress hits / views counter plugin
Why should I use this:
You can analyze which all of your posts are getting trafiic, inside wordpress itself for a better and quick comparison between the posts.
Can i customize the display css on front end?
Oh yes! i understand that everybody would like to see their blog on their design expectations
Using these classes in your css file you can customize the way you want.
.vc-container .vc-container .vc-views-valueIs it free?
Yes it free to download, use and modify!
Is it heavy, Will it slowdown my website?
Never! . Plugin is just 3kb and around 20-30 lines of light code. Your website will not be slow down. Assured!
How to use:
- Download the zip file extract the contents and copy paste the “views-counter” directory to <your website root>/wp-content/plugins/
- Goto Plugins in Wp-admin -> Click Activate Plugin
use upload functionality in wordpress
Where to Download: